Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ aims to regroup most of the questions we often get on Twitter & GitHub, as well as a few tips for using the editor. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for here, contact us!

General Questions

How can I customize or delete my account?
Simply go to your account Settings, you can change your username and delete your account.
How can I contact you?
If it is a general question, a question about your account, or a support request you can send an email to If you have a bug to report, a feature to propose, the best is to open an issue on GitHub:

Tips & troubleshooting

How do you copy-paste in Piskel?
Copy/paste is not really intuitive. It should be improved(!), but in the meantime here are the steps:
  1. choose a selection tool
  2. select an area on the screen
  3. copy (ctrl+c) or cut (ctrl+x) (or cmd+c and cmd+x if on Mac)
  4. move your selection (don't switch tools, just click and drag the selected area, you should see the cursor change)
  5. paste (ctrl+v or cmd+v)
The editor crashed, how can I recover my content?
The first thing to try if Piskel crashed is to restore the last session. Piskel periodically saves your work and allows you to restore previous sessions.
  1. open the Piskel editor
  2. open the Import panel
  3. click on the Browse backups button of the Recover Recent Sessions section.
If this didn't work, you need to go back to your previously saved version. Piskel was made to create small sprites. If you see the performance warning while working on your sprite, remember to save your work often.

Whenever you experience a crash, if you can file an issue on the GitHub repository , it would be great!